How to choose a: Didgeridoo Compact Didg
How to choose a Didgeridoo?
General advice by Yoram Sivan
Although the process of choosing a new Didg has both a functional and emotional elements to it, my experience with customers and students over the last 20 years, has shown that choosing a Didgeridoo is more of a personal, emotionally driven decision.
Three main parameters influence the decision making process for buying a Didgeridoo:
Sound – including musical related preferences such as the sharpness,quality and depth of the sound, the instrument’s note or the harmony of its drone.
Look – including design related parameters such as size, color and shape and of course decorations. From my experience, following your instincts here will usually give you the answer. Your attraction to its looks may in most cases have the desired frequency, hidden in it as well.
Price – your budget will frame the range of instruments available to you. My prices are based on final evaluation of the quality of the instrument (sound and design) as well as the amount of resources invested in it (type of wood and mostly woodworking required).
In the bottom line, different people are attracted to different instruments, and I believe my work is to provide a wide range of possibilities, all backed up by the promise of quality and credibility.
Choosing a note according to your level of experience
I recommend beginners to aim for instruments in the “average” range of notes: C-D-E as it covers most of the musical options and producing the sound will be easy. (Half tones such as C#, D# are just as good)
Instruments lower than C or higher than F are more musically categorical. Generally speaking, a very low note will take you on a deep journey, and a high note will seduce you to a more rhythmic and energetic kind of playing.
Choosing between long Didgeridoo categories
I believe that no instrument is “too good” for beginners. There could be, however, an instrument that is too expensive for an initial investment, therefore the price range may be one of the guidelines.
In general I offer 2 main long Didjeridoo categories:
Agave stems – The quality instruments in this category will cater to most of the needs of those of you with a low budget. The agave stem didgeridoos are priced lower than the hardwoods mostly because agave is a much easier material to process.
Natural Hardwoods – In this category you will find Didgeridoos made from various pruned and recycled local tree branches. Much like living beings, each branch has its own story and organic patterns, and in their building process I follow that story as I experience it. This makes each instrument in this category a unique creation, featuring the natural beauty of the wood as well as the best quality of sound, stemming from the internal and external shaping technique used.
In this category of instruments I get to bring the most of my design skills and sculptural talents, yet keeping a great respect to the natural form and energy flow.
This category of instruments is 100% GREEN!!
Why choose a compact Didgeridoo?
Simply put, my compact didgeridoos are the best travel instruments on the market. I believe this is the future of didgeridoo horns, to curl up and be held in your hands just as did all the rest of the instruments in the Brass section
I took a gimmick and turned it into a professional instrument, whose mobility does not come at the expense of its quality”. Moreover, the compact Didg allows a player more relaxed playing positions - you can move around, turn and dance with it while you are playing.
In this category, all instruments are sculptured out of a block of hardwood into a specific, accurately designed model. All external and internal shaping is crafted by hand. As all instruments are based on pre-designed models, their musical quality does not change across wood types. That is why, in this category, I recommend you choose mainly based on your personal preference of esthetics, size and weight.
I present 4 main Compact Didgeridoo models:
DidgDragon – This is the most powerful version of the Snake Didg. The Dragon comes so far only in harmonic D and is definitely a surprising experience of depth and sharpness in sound
SnakeDidg – The top elegant and most professional instrument. My Snake Didges have been sent over the years to every corner of the Globe and been highly appreciated by all levels of Didgeridoo players. They keep being developed every year both in their aesthetic design and musical qualities..
ClassicCompact Didg – The economy line of high quality compact instruments are most popular and return the best value for money. They are more simple in design and their price range around half of the Snake's. The Classic model has a new version as well. The standing position called Penguin which allows you to hold the instrument and play it vertical and close to your body. Sound and dimensions qualities are remained identical
StereoSelfi– Uniquely designed Didges for a different playing experience. Instruments In this category direct the sound directly to the player’s ears, resulting in a more personal, meditative musical experience. Great also for practicing in any environment.